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A VERY Special Lunch

Welcome Back y’all.

We last found our dedicated travelers hot footing it towards the intersection of New York and Pennsylvania Avenues to meet Danny, who us waiting outside…
The Treasury Building?!?

Yup, it so happens that our “Little” Danny McGlynn, High School Basketball team-mate and Best Friend of our son Brian, is quite a Big Deal in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.  [So Damn Proud of that boy!]
And as a special treat, he has invited us to lunch, in the Executive Dining room of The Treasury Building.  La Tee Da!

And of course, since we’re right next door to… 
[Ohh Yeah!] 

the obligatory pictures of all of us, along with 5,000 other wide eyed tourists in front of the North Lawn... uh... well... just off the sidewalk of the North Lawn since there is now a barrier 10 feet away from the fence due to recent jumpers, drones and Whatevah.

Time to say Ciao 4 Now to Angie and the boys who will take the Metro to wait for us at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing [B.E.P.] with a stop for lunch along the way.

With our "Government Issued Photo ID's" in hand, we are checked through the first security post and as we climb the steps, a quick photo of the statue of Albert Gallatin Secretary of Treasury under Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, from 1801 to 1814. The longest tenure in this office in American history. 
Hamilton, the first Treasury Secretary - and subject of a VERY Pricey Ticket on Broadway - is on the South Side facing the Mall insuring the sun always rises and sets on his face [perhaps a nod to his Elitism].  As opposed to the Statue of Freedom atop the Capitol dome which faces East so the sun "will Never Set on The Face of Freedom".

Once inside, another checkpoint with the requisite X-Ray machines "please place all electronics in the tray and your bag on the belt ma’am", and we stop to marvel at this magnificently appointed building, with exquisitely ornate tile floors, gilt trimmed crown molding, aged wood paneled ceiling and walls [if they could only talk].

Running a bit tight on time, a grand tour will have to wait until after lunch.  With a familiar and cordial welcome to Danny from the dining staff, we are ushered through the dining room and onto the terrace, right next to…
and the South Lawn
What a View!
Of course no pictures are allowed from this vantage point, unless of course we want the 2 Secret Service agents just below in the driveway drawing down on us as just then, the current Secretary of the Treasury and his entourage, are exiting the building below us for a short walk to the WEST WING for a meeting with "You Know Who".   
[Now SHE's REALLY impressed]

Lunch was Absolutely  Delightful!
A recommendation from our waitress of the Roasted Veggie Pannini and a Lamb Burger for Danny was spot on, topped off with a fresh Baked Almond Biscotti and Oatmeal Raisin cookies and French Roast coffee. [Yeah, it's Gourmet Stuff here]

After lunch we got a tour of this impressive home to a variety of monetary policies and secrets topped off with a visit to the special “Corner” office Danny currently oversees until a new Deputy Secretary is appointed.
But before we to can get inside this multi-locked, ultra-secured sanctum, we have to put all our electronics into a lead-lined mini-vault [can’t be too secure around here]. Quite impressive digs, especially since it has windows [in such a secure building], but with a Spectacular view of the White House on one side and the Washington Monument on the other... who's gonna complain.

With a heartfelt Thank You for a fabulous lunch with an extraordinary view and “see ya at home”, we bid our host Ciao Ciao and head out to grab an UBER on the corner for a short ride to meet OUR Entourage at the B.E.P.

Arriving right on time for our scheduled tour, we get a quick pic of the boys standing next to $1 Million Dollars and sit through brief video presentation.  Since our tour was especially arranged by the "Office of the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury" [How Cool is That!], we get our own private guide and are escorted through the process of Making Money without a large group crowding us. From the special paper produced with several security devices embedded in it, to the inspection and sorting and stacking, 10,000 sheets to a pallet, 32 notes to a sheet [that’s $1.6M per pallet in $5 notes if none are rejected after printing, which sometime 20% or more are], to the giant press', to more sorting and more inspecting, etc.  To save space here, the details of the complete process and other neat facts can be found via this link to the B.E.P. website. We would have been able to go on the actual printing floor for an up-close and personal look at the machinery and process but the boys were under-age.  Oh Wellllll.

After a stop in the Gift Shop for some Real Loot, our merry band of tourists head back to the car, with the obligatory stop at an Ice Cream truck on the way, or as Jon calls it "His Post Agony Reward for Being Bored" {No Dinosaurs}. Where does he come up with this stuff, he's only 9! [or only 8 according to a Doting Abuela who insists "He Ain't 9 Until July"]

Getting out of town was easy with a stop at GIANT Super-Mercado for some roast chickens and ‘taters with S'more’s over the fire-pit on the Deck for dessert.

Chucky managed to knock out another NOWAT and it all of a sudden it was time for baths and 'jammies. Friday would come waaaayyy to early for our trip to the Air and Space Museum, and just maybe... a look at Lincoln's Hat.

But not before just one more glass of that Delightful Merlot...

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The Stackin’ up her FitBit Steps,
Dragon Lady

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