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who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.
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Dave & Jon Do D.C.

Well Hello Again and welcome back Dear Hearts and innocent bystanders...  

Breaking News!!!
We're foregoing the usual recap of events around Casa d'Chaos since our last meeting as not much has happened beyond the gremlin-plagued RiverCruise of 2016.  
Not to belabor the drama that little excursion produced... 
Yes we had a lovely visit with Rod & Juanita in Paris and... 
Yes, it was a lovely boat and crew and... 
Yes most of the stops and excursions were OK, but......
     "Move on Chucky"
     "Yes Dear"

Alrighty then... 
Time to buckle up for our latest adventure, the unofficial title of which should REALLY be: 
"Dave & Jon Do D.C." 
Yup, this is destined to be the Spring Break to end all Spring Breaks [up 'til now] for our two rambunctious grand-sons David and Jonathan.

The plan is for a mid-semester escape [April 8th - 15th] and educational jaunt to expose them to our spectacular seat of government and all its treasures. 
From Arlington Cemetery and the Pentagon in the West to the Capitol Dome in the East and everything in between, this will be a very exciting and informative trip for all since this will be Chucky's first trip there as well.

So here we are in the final planning stages for what is shaping up to be quite an adventure, and as usual Chucky is running google, google maps and every research tool he can find in "Full Ahead Mode". [and driving HER Nutz in the process]

Thanks to a couple of AMEX/Delta mileage deals we banked enough air miles to get there for just "fees". Well, almost, once again his "Dance of Procrastination" cost him. 
It seems that while Chucky vacillated on dates and flights, the mileage cost kept going up, so just Dragon Chic and "da Boyz" got on for miles while he had to pony up cash for his flight.  And of course since it had to be two separate bookings, getting the flights, seats, etc. to match up was a real "exercise in patience" [of which he has a tad too little lately]. 

Lodging was the next chore.
Fortunately Tio Brian's best friend from school Danny McGlynn works in D.C. and he and his beautiful wife Angie invited us share their lovely home outside The Beltway for the week. Boy will that save a bunch of bucks since spring break in D.C. is serious Tourist season and hotel rates are rapidly skyrocketing.

We decided to spread the agenda of Monuments and Tours over a week so we don't overload their attention span with too much in each day.
The McGlynn boys may join us on several jaunts around the sites and we plan to leave time for fun, Ice Cream and of course Video Games. 

Trying to get White House Tour requires nudging your Congressman or Senator for a reservation via lengthy online forms, and only 2 months out with no promise that you'll get clearance. Since we'll be traveling with 2 boys of Colombian/Cuban/American heritage, with different last names than ours, Etc, Etc, we decided to save that li'l tour for another time.
Everything else is getting done online. Arlington Cemetery, the Capitol Tour, HoHo buses for a panoramic tour already booked and a daily "Flexible" schedule is being developed.  

We'll Spare you the usual agenda overview as it is a work in progress and subject to change on the fly with more to come in the periodic posts.

I say Periodic rather than daily as in the past for several reasons. 
Since this will be a tour of discovery for everyone, info and details for most of what we'll see or visit is just a Google / Wikipedia search away, or a trip down High School memory lane for some of us.  
With that in mind he'll be relying on enough anecdotal events as we go along to make it interesting [or silly enough] to report.  Past experience has taught him that staying up til all hours writing and formatting posts is a bit of a hassle after a fatiguing days' activities. And with our two hyper-active little guys, Chucky's Butt will be draggin' to say the least. As such he may just draft each day and post in bulk, either mid-week or maybe even after the trip. 

Heck you may even get an ***ALERT*** advising that this NOWAT has been cancelled because he was too busy soaking his feet after all that traipsing around D.C.  Only Time will Tell, and so will he.

Well, that's all we got for ya now, this is just a heads up to be on the lookout for the usual ***NOWAT ALERT*** in your In-Box soon. [or not]

Now where did I put that link for the WMTA [Metro] APP for schedules, and the Parking Panda APP for prime parking spots at bargain rates, etc.

Ooooooo this is gonna be soooooo much fun, Uh... where's my scotch.

Ciao 4 Now,
Uncle Chuck & The already shoppin' for Walking Shoes,
Dragon Lady


This episode brought to you by:
In the midst of preparations for D&J Do DCa momentous and heart-rending event transpired at Casa d’ Chaos, so please indulge this bleary eyed digression.

{Excerpted from: Uncle Chuck's yet to be published book}
Some Day, I'm Gonna...

She came into my life as a dream many years ago.  Long desired, oft mused about, she took many shapes and colors in my imagination.  
She would be sleek, She would have style, She would be classy, She would one day... 

That day came, abeit many years later.  
And She WAS Sleek, and She WAS Classy and Ooohhh sooo COOL

She warmed to me as only a long desired love could as I caressed her for the first time.  Her soft skin clung to me like a glove as I inhaled her intoxicating scent.  Not hesitating a moment we melded into the ecstasy of a mindless, breathless race to satisfaction, long denied but now at my trembling fingertips, Realized.
It was Explosive, Mind-Bending, Breathtaking... AND...IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!

It was impossible to contain ourselves as we tore from our bonds and onto the highways of our dreams, feeling delights that no other could give us, Triumph, Exhilaration, unfettered Abandon.  

She sang to me in tones that only angels could imagine.  I held her close and let her have her way with me, my heart throbbing ‘til I thought it would burst from my chest.

We remained like this for what seemed and eternity, wrapped in each other’s embrace, vowing to savor these moments as often as we could, for as long as we could.  I prayed aloud that this JOY would never end.

And so it went, She and I, Me and Her, WE. Flitting about, loving, caring, nurturing, through many a happy and not so happy time.
I endeavored to provide all she desired, allowing her to be groomed in her own fashion, rejoicing in her happiness and wellbeing.

And then… one day…she faltered, I caught her. And for a while it seemed as if it would continue on as we had dreamed.  But alas, it was not to be.
Small things began to tear her apart, bit by agonizing bit and there was nothing I could do but witness her decline. 

I agonized for many a fretful eve, when she was away being cared for by those who were better equipped than I to see to her mending and comfort.  But each time she returned, she was just a little bit different, not as soft, not as lustrous, not as supple… different.

Finally, she let me know… It was time. I hesitated but she was firm… it was time. I could not bear the thought but finally I acquiesced into seeking the right time and place and the proper respite she deserved for the twilight of her years. 

She left me yesterday, at 6:05 PM EST, as Classy as the day we met, albeit a bit more worn, with her head high, face to the sun and the wind caressing her soft black top-knot.

I shuddered ever so slightly as those who came to collect her helped her, ever so gingerly, into her spot for transport to the Nirvana she so appropriately deserved.

And then... She was Gone!

I have nothing left now but Her picture 
{Scroll Down}

and her Pendant: 

to remind me of the "Other" Great Love of My Life, and the Marvelous and Exciting times we had.

[and on the way to GR Auto Gallery in Grand Rapids, MI]

He'll get around to more about the trip prep later. 
Right now He's got sumpin' in his eye, and He's headed for the Scotch…

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & Not The Least Bit Jealous, 
Dragon Lady, The TRUE Love of His Life.

The Packing Ballet… Or Not

“So… that’s it?
“I guess So.”
        “Not possible!”
        “Wellllll, unless there’s more…”

        “Nope, I thought I had too much.”
        “Uh, then I'm done.”

        “Alrighty then!”

So here I sit, wondering out-loud, “Sumthin’s wrong!" How did this happen? There must be more? I can’t possibly be done!”

Yeah, the “Packing Ballet has begun, 
and just like that… it was over. 
No whining about “this doesn’t match that or that doesn’t fit anymore or Don’t Touch That Yet!! or Where’s the ‘You Know What’…" 
[You KNOW the Damn "You Know What" is already in the bag]

No, it was actually civil this time.
She put it all on the bed, I put it all in the cute little packing cubes I found online and into the bag… and lo and behold… 
she DID NOT take it out of the bag and back to the closet!!! 
And wonder of wonders, no cramming, jamming etc. no… I actually have too much room.  My bag is half empty!!!

Say What?!?

Yup, now I'm looking for stuff to fill in gaps, ya can't have stuff rattelin' around in there ya know. 

For those who may be new to this rambling monologue called NOWAT and have not snored... err, uh... giggled through previous Packing Ballets’…

Chucky used to pack Duffle bags for his mates in the Air Force for a fee. His packing skills are akin to making sausage, every imaginable item is rolled so tightly you could bounce it off a wall and only hurt the wall, then crammed tightly into a space meant for half the contents, where every infinitesimal nook and cranny is used. And he usually has room for Just… one… last… thing.  Which of course she always comes up with after he has the bags locked and is halfway to the car.

Oh and No Hectic Haul-Ass Last Minute Mall Runs! [Yet... its only 4PM!] 
Awwww cummon, it’s just a little trip to DC for a week with 2 rambunctious yungins, and she got all the shopping outta the way long ago. Yup, and Oh Hey… No Frantic Fruitless Foot-ware Forays [not that she didn’t contemplate one last run to DSW] no... but that will probably come in June when we take the… uh... err... oh wait, we’re not allowed to discuss that yet... [or can we Donna?] 
O.K. moving right along now.

One of those quick stop ‘n’ shops a week ago included carry-on luggage for the boys, [You all must know now that Chucky is paranoid about checked luggage on connecting flights – he has nightmares of their cloths arriving in Albuquerque while they're deplaning in DC]
And of course Greg and Cristina decided [without consultation, bless their trusting li'l hearts] that Papa would do the packing [see note above about sausage stuffing] so the new luggage is at Casa d’ Chaos awaiting their STUFF.  
The more I look at the bags, and the more I think about how small all their stuff is, I'm beginning to think: "I can get all of it in just one bag."

“Forget it Chucky, use both bags!”
“Yes Dear.” {mumbled.. grumble.. it’l fit dammit}

 “What’s that Chucky?”
 “Nuthin… Dear.”

I was just about to start dinner when Cristina dropped off their cloths [hmmmm maybe it wont all fit into one bag- don't tell DL] and decided to take the boys out for dinner and a movie, and some Mommy Time [she's having withdrawals already]. 
Dragon Chic has decided on an ISAGENEX shake [don't ask... those that DO know... understand] so I guess it's leftovers for me since I cleaned out the fridge except for Henry's Rib Eye -  he'll get home while we're gone [a trucker' gotta have his MEAT]. 

More Pre-Trip shenanigans later, that is... if something cute comes up, otherwise the next post might just be from DC relating the usual Departure Chaos… Or not.

So, until she comes up with
Just… one… last… thing...

Ciao 4 Now,
Uncle Chuck & the looking for more STUFF to stuff...
Dragon Lady

Can We Have Your ATTENTION Please...

The weather in DC is MARVELOUS! 
Of course it is…or so we’re told.  
We wouldn’t know.  Why you Ask? 
The Damn Flight was cancelled!!!

And yes… the Last Minute pre-departure routine from Casa d’ Chaos was done diligently at 5:30 AM:
Flight Status - "On Time" {Check},
Bags locked and loaded, toiletries stowed, [You Know What” included], {Check}
Tablets, Laptops, Fitbits etc. charged and stowed {Check}
2 Sleepy Boys dressed and ready {Check} 
Uber arrival at the time planned. {Check}
[The driver lives around the corner]

No Departure Chaos… Yet.

It was not until we breezed and I mean Wham-Bam right through, TSA-PreCheck [no Gongs Bells, Whistles, Alarms… Na-Da... she left the bangles in her bag], grabbed a couple of bagels ‘n’ coffee, and did the usual pit stops on the way to check in, when...
as Chucky approached with a question, the worried look on face of the agent at Gate D5 raised a flag. 
All Chucky wanted to know was since they had 2 small children in tow and 2 different boarding zones, could they all board in Zone 1?  
[Not that it mattered, the Gold Delta/Amex card used to buy the tix precludes all that and gives them Priority Boarding].
    “Uh yeah, sure, ya can all board
    on Zone 1, if we board at all.”


It seems that all the bad weather in Atlanta managed to screw up tons of flights and they ran out of drivers and crew for our plane.
  “Have a seat,  over there, I'll make   
    an announcement soon.”

So, we head to The Chairs - "Over There,” to wait out the verdict.  20 minutes later, Chucky spots a growing conference at the desk and wanders over to hear the pilot on the phone with Crew Scheduling begging for a crew, while the gate agent is shakin’ his head:
    ”Uh… It don’t lookasogood. 
     Have a seat, I'll let ya know soon.”

Just then...cheers go up from Gate D1 – 
Seems their flight crew just stumbled in. 
Hey, there may still be hope.

Ok, so Chucky decides on a pit stop of his own and dontcha just know it, his phone rings in the stall [while he’s checking the Delta Website, yeah...right]
    “Uh, Chucky, don’t rush back,
      they just cancelled the flight!”

Yup, the Obligatory Departure CHAOS has begun. 

Well, ya just know there ALWAYS has to be a little CHAOS with each NOWAT. 
Uh… this was a bit more than "a little", as was the line to the D5 check-in desk – OUT THE DOOR!

DING!! Chucky’s phone now alerts him that Delta is re-booking his cancelled flight, more details to follow.  Then another DING, Delta has them booked the next day at 2:45PM arriving in DC at Midnight.  N.F.W.!!!

He’s not waiting for that to happen and heads to another not so busy gate and smaller line to see about alternatives. After 20 more minutes in a non-moving line, he decides there is nothing he can do here that he can’t do at home on the computer [even Delta SkyMiles help desk has him set for a call back -"in Over 3 Hours".
{LATE NOTE - the call came in while drafting this, it rang to a Que Desk 6 times and kicked him out to the "1 Question Quality Survey" - guess what he scored the call as- and hung up on him}

SHE now tries to call Greg to come get us but he must still be sleeping and not answering his phone or text's.
Ok… where’s that Uber Driver’s Card?

Unh uh… he’s already back around the corner from Casa d’ Chaos so he can’t take the call, but lovely Ugette, in a Black Nissan Altima does, and after trying to fetch our frazzled travelers downstairs at Arrivals, while they waited Upstairs at Departures, she finally collects them and
Just directs their feet, to the sunny side of the street.”
[Got that Earl?] Or actually, back to Casa d’ Chaos.

Wow… that was a short trip, which this post was not, so we'll catch you up later with the rest of today’s frantic efforts to:
Alert Dan and Angie to our new schedule once we re-book a better flight, Re-book the rental car, re-route a cuz that was to meet us at Arlington on Sunday, and figure out what's for Dinner.  
   "Sounds like a Pizza Night!" SHE Says.

HE got no sleep last night so how about a nap after we do all the above?   
Uh... Maybe, but so what if it’s 11:00AM…
Where’s My Scotch!!!

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & the not so happy, 
Dragon Lady

Let’s Try This Again.

We last saw our feisty foursome dragging back to Casa d’ Chaos to lick their wounds and regroup.  HE IS NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!

First up on the “scramble Agenda” was an attempt to re-book a flight other than the debacle Delta threw at them.  Of course sometimes this is easier said than done, especially with all the tumult and cancellations.  It took working on both of their laptops to co-ordinate this since it’s on 2 separate bookings [See the 1st post  D&J Do D.C.]
Two options popped up, one at 7AM and one at 9AM to Reagan-DCA both via LaGurdia [Atlanta to Dulles was out of the question now as Delta’s combo via JFK was the last one available] The real trick was gonna be Seat selection which was pretty much middle and premium aisle seats. 
While in the process of trying to see available seats for the both connections, not really wanting to roll out at 4am for the early flight and not fully versed on how the re-book website works, SHE manages to Click the “SELECT” button thinking it will give her a better “selection” of seats… and
SHE accidentally books the 7AM flight, which automatically generates the seat selection for the flights to and from LGA.  Ooopppsss. 

Now HE has to scramble to book the same flight as it was almost totally booked except for one First Class seat and one Premium seat.  After rolling back and forth between laptops, which of course are across the room from each other, [he ain't lettin' HER near any more SELECT” buttons] he manages to book seats next to one of the boys on both flights. And since having to pay an extra fee for the premium seat, He is REALLY Pissed and is gonna demand a refund since it was THEIR fault, etc…etc…etc [if DELTA will ever answer the Damn CSU line!]

Since it’s inside 24 hours HE goes ahead and checks them in setting up boarding passes on their phones and prints backups [his MyDELTA App has been balking on his phone lately] 
Well, at least they’ll get in around 1:30PM, and maybe still hook up with Cuz YiYi at Arlington [DCA and Arlington are close to her house] 

Ok, now that we have a destination, time to rebook the car. 
“Hello Avis…”
Yeah that didn’t go so well.  
Re-booking for Saturday, not a problem. But now on Sunday... on the cusp of Spring Break in DC... at Reagan with a return to Dulles next week [the return flights next Sat haven’t changed… yet]…
SOLD OUT, at every Avis location near and far.  
Well what did you expect?  [SHE is rapidly realizing that SHE was not the only person in the whole country who thought DC over Spring Break would be a breeze.]
After negotiating a full refund from Avis, he’s been an Avis Preferred Client forever [and Hey, HE didn’t cancel the flight] - it was time for Plan B, or was it C… maybe D… Whatevah.

While HE is cruising the OTA’s [Expedia, KAYAK, etc] Chucky is finding slim pickings at almost double what he booked with Avis, because of the aforementioned Spring Break Rush.  Then SHE reminds him that sometimes AAA has discounts etc, and sure enough that hefty Annual fee actually pays off. He is able to snag a DOLLAR-Rent-Car Standard vehicle, for just $30 more than the SUV he had with Avis.  And all is well in his world… so far.

A quick call to the Arlington Tour company confirms that his tickets are good for any day until August, so if they don’t make it tomorrow with YiYi, it can be rescheduled sometime in the coming week.

Which means the “flexible” agenda will get some more “Flexing”.

A call to Angie brings her up to speed [she had been graciously offering suggestions via text ever since we left the Airport]

Now it’s time to feed the Famished Foursome. 
And just in the nick of time, Daddy strolls in with Milanesa de Pollo with Black Beans and Rice from Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine and all is well in the Boys world.  Papa, settles for some oatmeal and fruit [his tummy is still churning from the stress]

After Chucky finally wound down, the last post was penned, and ***ALERTED***  Now he’s waiting for another call back from Delta, he really wants his $30 back!

Ok… the next post will hopefully be from DC,
 Fingers crossed, chanting a Tibetan Good Fortune Mantra… Oooooommmmmm 

Maybe Daddy will come crash on the couch after work and take them to the FLL in the AM so we don't have to wake up the UBER Dude around the corner so early.  Barring any further complication, they will ALL be crashing very early tonight as the 4AM wake up is gonna be brutal.  

Now for one last Scotch to help Dreamland come softly…

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & the Not clicking No-More-Buttons
Dragon Lady

Late Note: Lovely Stephanie in Tampa of Delta SkyMiles CSU, DID finally return HIS call and after he detailed his case, went to bat for him with the supervisors in the ether somewhere and with another 45 minutes of scratchy On Hold music... He got his $30 back along with a bonus of 20,000 air miles for all the trouble! 
Thank you Stephanie in Tampa!!


Uncle Chuck Note:
This was composed on Thursday, since it has been a REAL Whirlwind ever since we landed and the romps into and out of D.C. have been epic.  Sooooo, sit back and follow the bouncing ball as we try to recap all that has happened up till now.

You will recall that Saturday's debacle started with a 5AM roll out and haggard return to Casa d’ Chaos 5 hours later.

Sunday, 4AM came AWFULLY HARD!
But, it all came together well.  [Hell they already had practice!]

Greg had snuck in from work around 130AM and tried to grab a nap with the boys… not a good idea.  Jon insisted in rolling over onto him planting his butt firmly in Daddy’s face and David kept stealing the covers.  He had to settle for Henry’s empty room where the boys roused him anyway at 5AM, in time to ferry us to the airport.

TSA was another breeze through as was the wait for the first boarding call… which was a tad late and started to look like a replay of Saturday’s debacle, however all went well and we boarded the flight to La Guardia ahead of the crowd and were able to swap Dave’s seat which was away from us to a window next to DL. thanks to a kind fellow traveler.

Now Hear This: 
When flying to D.C. try to avoid connections through La Guardia. 
Why you ask?
If you have not been to La Guardia recently or at all, it is in a constant state of construction, in and around.
And… you may land at Delta’s spiffy new Concourse C but the shuttle flights to D.C and Boston Arrive and Depart from Terminal A [the old Marine Terminal] so you MUST have enough time for your connection as you have to hustle all the way outside and grab a RED ROUTE shuttle bus. To Terminal A 10 minutes and- 2 miles away! 
By now SHE is REALLY getting the evil eye for Clicking the Wrong Button and booking the early flight.  We could have had an easy connect at JFK. [Ok... Ok, I am reminded that nothing is easy at JFK] 

That’s not all, Oh NO!
Now you have gone out of the "Sterile Zone" [outside TSA oversight] and must go throughs screening all over again!  And Of course at Terminal A, there’s only one TSA checkpoint, No TSA PreCheck and if you have a tight connection, on a busy travel day like SPRING BREAK WEEKEND, you may be on the phone [on hold for 4 hours] with DELTA, Trying to re-book a flight ‘cause…The line was Out-The-Front-Door, and only one scanner was working.

Fortunately for us, by the time we got to the checkpoint, the 2nd scanner was up and after snatching everything required out of our carry-ons and re-stuffing it after the scan [remember, with TSA PreCheck you don’t have to take off shoes, pull out the laptop and liquids etc, just throw your cellphone and money clip in a bin and on the table and walk through the Grey Arch’s]. 
And finally we were off to find a seat and a snack because now we had 2 hungry little bears on our hands.

It went something like this at the snack bar:
1 sandwich, 1 quiche, 2 waters, 1 beer and a bag of chips: $55. 
WELCOME to the Big Apple!

After scarfing down our King’s Ransom breakfast and charging the electronics, we see the shuttle from D.C. passengers arriving and we begin to queue up for boarding.  Chucky knows it’s a smaller aircraft and pushes forward to be first on with our troop in tow since we’re in the back and overhead storage is small and limited.  Smart move. As we settle in, the bins up top are crammed and several late comers had to walk their bags back to the front door to be checked before they could settle in, thus making our departure late.
In fact, DL’s overstuffed bag which isn’t really a roll-on barely made it into the bin… and it wasn’t even as stuffed as he has had it in the past.

The flight was short and sweet, with just one small blip.  While passing out the snacks, the Flight attendant had to hustle back and retrieve all the mixed nut packets as there was someone onboard with a Peanut Allergy.  In the close space of a pressurized flying cigar tube, that could have been a disaster for someone.

The Driver did a Quick drop in [and if you have ever flown into Reagan Airport you know it’s a Real Drop In] and we were off to retrieve that great deal of a car at DOLLAR-RENT-A-CAR that we booked through AAA.

DL is signaling that this has gotten too long already so we'll have to get to the W.T.F portion in the next post.

Hang in there... it only gets better.

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The still Groggy,
Dragon Lady

Good News / Bad News - W.T.F PART II

We last saw our erstwhile D.C. Bound band of Merry Spring Breakers, and Chucky bounding off to the DOLLAR-RENT-A-CAR counter to retrieve the GREAT buy booked via AAA.

As they board the shuttle bus, the boys are a-buz about the cool car Papa got for the trip to D.C.  and as they arrived at Rental Car Heaven, they were breathless with anticipation.

Straight through the doors:
   “Oh Look Papa, DOLLAR on the left.”

 So off they trot, right out into the parking lot following the dollar signs and right to the office… Nobody home.
  “Sir… I'm over here.” Says the Nice "Get The Car Guy.  “Got your contract?”
Seems like Chucky missed the counter INSIDE and was at the “get The Car office”.
  “No problem Sir, what did you reserve, I’ll find one and have it here when you get back.”

So Chucky leaves the troop there and races inside to the CORRECT counter to get the paperwork.

Now here’s where it gets a bit tense.
  “Hi, I have a reservation for a standard car, here’s my Confirmation#,” says the chipper Chucky.
  “Uh Sir,  I'm sorry but our systems have been down for 3 days and we are not honoring any reservations made in the last 36 hours, AND we have no cars.”

W.T.F?  NoCars?!? Now what to do!!!!

We'll save you the ensuing dialogue that covered the reservation being guaranteed by AAA [who will get the full brunt of Chucky’s wrath when they get back home] and the fact that reservations made through a 3rd party [AAA] was not even in their system [which didn’t even matter at this point]
Now the not so chipper Chucky was about the reach across the counter and give the lovely DOLLAR-RENT-A-CAR agent the full force of a Chucky Not-A-Happy-Camper performance, when she finally convinced him it was futile but she heard that maybe AVIS or THRIFTY still had cars.
Now remember, when we checked Saturday, all Avis locations in a 20 mile radius were sold out but WTF , let’s try it out.

Now at the Avis Counter, Chucky relates the recent and previous happenings both with DOLLAR, and AVIS, the cancellation, Saturday and re-booking through AAA etc, etc, etc.
Now totally in his calm, determined and believe it or not Cordial posture, Chucky actually gets the AVIS Guy to Find a car, albeit $223.00 more than his original booking [hey, he’s from the hotel biz and understands rate management and surge pricing – he may not be happy about it but he needs damn car!]  So much for a GREAT DEAL via AAA!

Once all the paperwork is done, he calls DL to see how close they are to the AVIS pick up spot only to find that:
1.  The Nice DOLLAR ”get the car guy”, already had them loaded into a jeep, just waiting on the paper work.
2.  The AVIS pickup was on the 2nd floor.

Soooooo, they now have to un-load and trapes back into the Rental counter area and head upstairs to the AVIS pickup area, as the Nice AVIS guy leads the way.

They wind up in a Hyundai Santa Fe [close to the one rented Saturday] with a return to Dulles International [the return flights haven’t been changed…yet]. And they're off to find the McGlynn’s in Clifton.

With ROADAH [Google Maps Navigation Lady] leading the way, and a call to Danny who is at his son’s baseball practice, we are on the way.

Of course inputting the proper address would help as we pull into the driveway and a nice man [Not Danny] says:
  “Can I help you?’

  “McGlynn Residence?  Asks DL.

  “Not unless they moved in while I was at the store.”  Says the nice man.

A quick check of Chucky’s contact list finds the right address and we pull into Danny and Angie’s driveway at last.

Again this has been a marathon post but necessary.

The D.C. Adventure really starts tomorrow as we begin the exploration of our Nations Capitol with two VERY EXCITED boys, one not so stressed Papa and a still groggy Abuela.

Oooohhhhh, can’t wait.
Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The anxious to get on with it,
Dragon Lady